October and November are known for bringing good wind to the GLR, but some years September can be fickle. This year, however, September delivered the goods. There were 22 days of wind over 15mph this September that offered an average windsurfing sail size of 5.0m. This equates to over 5 days per week on a 5.0m sail. That's pretty good! I personally was only able to score 10 of those 22 sessions, but I was pleased to be able to use an average sail size of 4.1m. I'll take that any month of the year.
Temperatures have been pretty nice. According to the National Weather Service website Lake Erie sits at 67 degrees today which is just one degree lower than the highest all-time record temperature for the last day of September. This should at least give us fairly warm water through mid-October or later. It looks like tomorrow will bring air temps in the low 80's, so I wouldn't expect Lake Erie to cool off much in the next few days.
As we get into bigger wind and more days of consecutive riding don't forget to pay close attention to proper nutrition and recovery techniques that I have talked about in my videos. This can really help to keep you on the water as much as possible without injury. I am posting links to those 2 videos below for ease of access. Get It Good!!!
Recovery Techniques for Windsports https://www.ericthebige.net/recovery-techniques-for-windsports.html
Basic Nutrition for Recovery in Windsports https://www.ericthebige.net/basic-nutrition-for-recovery-in-windsports.html