Bio - Eric L. Mihelbergel is an intermediate/advanced windsurfer, kiteboarder, and foiler living in the Great Lakes Region of New York State who enjoys sharing about windsports and fitness.
The WHY of Duck Jibing - Not the HOW
By Eric Mihelbergel (written December 2018)
By Eric Mihelbergel (written December 2018)
There are plenty of articles and Youtube vidoes on "How to duck jibe". But let's talk about WHY!
1.) It's easy - I'm just an average intermediate windsurfer who has been windsurfing 9 years. It took me about 5 years to learn how to consistently make carving step jibes, and I'm still not that good. During that 5 year period I practiced carving step jibes every session (about 65 sessions per year). But duck jibes....it took me a total of 3 sessions to learn to consistently make them, and it took only half a season to be able to plane through the majority of them. The move is just easier than carving step jibes. I had been learning to carve step jibes for about 3 years before I tried duck jibes, so this probably helped me to learn duck jibes quicker. But, still, 3 sessions compared to 5 years is a BIG difference.
2.) It's quick - The move itself happens quickly. I absolutely love the duck jibe when I've ridden a great wave and end up too close to shore. The duck jibe happens so quickly that it takes up very little space. If I'm too close to shore after riding a long wave then I just duck jibe instead of carve jibe.
3.) It's less tiring - The duck jibe saves me so much energy. There have been countless times when I have ridden a long wave, and my forearms and body are tired. The duck jibe just uses less energy. Let go with the front hand and you are on the other side of the sail headed back out. It is great when you are spent from a great wave or tired from a long session.
4.) It's fun - Because the move happens so quickly, it is just FUN! You let go with the front hand, and BAM, you are on the other side of the sail headed in the other direction. It feels really GOOD! You can almost taste the move. It's sweet!
5.) It's cool looking - Listen to beginner windsurfers when they see someone duck jibe for the first time...."Did you see that? That guy went UNDER the sail when he turned. What was that?" The move looks really neat.
The duck jibe has a lot of stoke built into it. It's exciting, it's fun, it's cool, it makes you want to windsurf even MORE. Try it!