Becoming An Ordinary Multi-Millionaire
Written March 2018
Becoming an ordinary multi-millionaire does NOT mean driving around in a brand new blu glauco Lamborghini Aventador or living in a luxury mansion with an indoor waterfall located on the ocean in the south of France. Becoming an ordinary multi-millionaire is about creating a balance of freedom and security in life. We all have this opportunity. For some, it may be more challenging and difficult to become a multi-millionaire than for others, but we ALL still have the opportunity. Over 20 years of experience in financial coaching and life have taught me that, to become a multi-millionaire, one must learn to set goals, learn self-discipline, learn sacrifice, and become financially educated. You have taken the first step by visiting this webpage.
What does it mean to be a multi-millionaire? Most multi-millionaires have a net worth of less than $5 million. They were generally average students in school who attended public universities. Their income is typically around national averages, and they live in average houses. From the outside you would never recognize an ordinary multi-millionaire. They could be your next door neighbor or even a family member. The average person saves money to spend money, but the ordinary multi-millionaire saves money to accumulate money. This mentality affords them both freedom and security. It is a very different approach to life. It is a way of thinking, a WAY of life. If you have not lived that 'WAY' then you cannot expect to be an ordinary multi-millionaire. Your current life is a culmination of your past years. You can still do it, but HOW? How can you become a multi-millionaire? Education is key!!!
Have you ever heard of a "Balance Sheet"? A Balance Sheet is a written financial document that companies use to keep track of their assets and liabilities. Have you ever thought about using a Balance Sheet for yourself? Around 1999 my wife and I started using a Balance Sheet to track our own personal finances. This one financial tool completely changed our lives. In the world of personal finance a Balance Sheet can be referred to as a Net Worth Statement (assets minus liabilities). It changed the way my wife and I look at financial worth. We coupled the Balance Sheet with an Income Statement. An Income Statement is a financial tool that companies use to list all of their sources of income and all of their expenses. Then they can see how much money they have left over each month and each year. It's kind of like a budget except that it intentionally feeds into your Balance Sheet with the specific objective of increasing your Net Worth as quickly as possible. By manipulating your Income Statement you will improve your Balance Sheet. Then, eventually, your Balance Sheet will be manipulated to improve your Income Statement. They work together. The Balance Sheet and Income Statement are just two of the tools I teach people to use through my coaching program. Here is what the whole program looks like:
Step 1: Create and Learn to Utilize a Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Step 2: Save Six Months of Monthly Expenses in an Emergency Account
Step 3: Implement Necessary Insurance Protections
Step 4: Continually Fund Investment Accounts
Step 5: Use the Snowball Method to Pay Off ALL of Your Debts
Step 6: Create a College Savings Plan for Your Children
Step 7: Manage Your Tax Liability
Step 8: Establish Your Estate Plan
Step 9: Continually Advance Your Financial Education
(some of the steps may be reordered or interchanged depending on an individual's situation)
Step 2: Save Six Months of Monthly Expenses in an Emergency Account
Step 3: Implement Necessary Insurance Protections
Step 4: Continually Fund Investment Accounts
Step 5: Use the Snowball Method to Pay Off ALL of Your Debts
Step 6: Create a College Savings Plan for Your Children
Step 7: Manage Your Tax Liability
Step 8: Establish Your Estate Plan
Step 9: Continually Advance Your Financial Education
(some of the steps may be reordered or interchanged depending on an individual's situation)
Learning to use a Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and other tools for your personal finances is NOT difficult. And, it will change your financial life. With a little education, coaching, and the proper tools you can quickly be on your way to becoming a multi-millionaire. You can also help your children and your family members to do the same. Do you have a child of high school age or older? It's not too early for them to learn these principles. Start right now! Get a financial coach for yourself and your family.
If this sounds interesting to you then you may want to fill out the questionnaire below. I will read it carefully. If it sounds like you are the type of person that I can help I will contact you and perhaps we can discuss your situation further. All of us benefit from a coach in any endeavor. Even the best of the elite have coaches in every aspect of life. So, why not get a coach for yourself?
Do What You LOVE, with the ones you LOVE!
(Lisa and Eric 2017, Outer Banks, N. Carolina)
Photo Courtesy of Tessa Mihelbergel
Photo Courtesy of Tessa Mihelbergel